There are multiple approaches for conducting a pregnancy test, with the main goal being to determine the most reliable method for obtaining precise outcomes. It is crucial to differentiate between various techniques and comprehend their individual levels of dependability.
You should not dip a pregnancy test into the toilet. The water is too diluted to yield an accurate result. Even if you are pregnant, the hCG hormone may not be concentrated enough to show that you’re pregnant, and you’ll get a false-negative result.
While you can try a dip pregnancy test, there is a right and a wrong way to do it. Read on to learn the difference.
Dip Pregnancy Test
A dip pregnancy test involves dipping a pregnancy test in urine that is in a cup instead of simply peeing on the stick. There are several reasons a person might choose this method.
Is It More Accurate To Dip a Pregnancy Test?
While there is no data to back up one method over another, dipping can lead to more accurate results if peeing on the stick is too messy.
You need to hold a pregnancy test in your urine stream for at least five seconds in most cases, and this can lead to you splattering more pee around you than actually on the stick. Dipping isn’t as messy.
How Early Can You Take a Dip Pregnancy Test?
You can take a dip pregnancy test as early as you can take a non-dip pregnancy test. Waiting until your period is at least a day late is what most doctors advise.
Dipping Pregnancy Test in Cup – How To Do It Correctly
If you are using the dip-test technique, collect your urine in a small cup. Dip the testing strip in the urine for as long as the directions say.
If they don’t give you a specific time for dipping, then dip the stick as long as the directions say you should pee on it.
Take the test out of the urine, and place it on a counter. Read the pregnancy test results in the time window recommended.
Does Diluted Urine Affect Pregnancy Test?
Diluted urine can absolutely affect the results of a pregnancy test. That’s why you do not want to dip your pregnancy test stick into a toilet.
No matter how much urine is in the toilet, the water filling up the toilet bowl will likely dilute the hCG hormone too much for the pregnancy test to register it.
How Long To Dip Pregnancy Test in Urine
Dip a pregnancy test in urine for the same amount of time as you would need to pee on the stick.
What Happens if You Leave Pregnancy Test in Urine Too Long?
Leaving a pregnancy test in urine too long could lead to a false positive result. That’s why you only want to dip the test in the urine for the time given in the test directions.
Can You Pee in a Cup and Test for Pregnancy Later?
Yes, you can pee in a cup and test for pregnancy later. However, you need to keep the urine at room temperature or refrigerated, and you need to make sure it doesn’t get contaminated by any other items.
Tips for Taking a Pregnancy Test
No matter what method of testing you choose, here are some tips to help ensure accuracy.
- Test first thing in the morning with undiluted urine.
- Follow test directions, and read the results within the time window.
- Wait until your period is late to test.
When To Read Pregnancy Test Results
Always read pregnancy test results within the time window recommended in the test directions.
If you wait too long to read the results, you may see an evaporation line that can be confusing and make you think you’re pregnant even though you are not.
Related Questions:
How Long Should I Wait To Take a Pregnancy Test After Drinking Water?
Since you don’t want your urine too diluted when you take a pregnancy test, you don’t want to drink more water than necessary before taking a test.
Though there is no recommended time to wait after drinking water, using your first urine of the morning before you have put any fluids in your body is a great way to ensure your hCG level is the most concentrated.
Can Too Much Pee on a Pregnancy Test Make It Negative?
Only pee on the pregnancy test or dip it in urine as long as the test directions advise. Overly saturating the test could impact your ability to correctly interpret the results.
Final Thoughts
Follow the directions on any pregnancy test you use, and don’t be afraid to take a second test if you think the first result may not be accurate.
Kristy is the mother of four, including identical twins. With a background in education and research, she is constantly learning more about parenting and raising multiples. When she has spare time, she enjoys hiking into the woods with a great book to take a break.