How Many Crib Sheets Do I Need? 6 Important Considerations

If we’re being honest, babies can be quite unpleasant. They urinate, defecate, regurgitate, drool, sneeze, and cough without any regard for their surroundings.

The truth behind this statement lies in your child’s laundry. Babies go through clothes, bibs, and crib sheets like it’s nobody’s business. 

How many crib sheets do I need? There are many factors to consider when determining how many crib sheets are necessary. These include your laundry schedule, your baby’s bathroom habits, and the way the baby’s body works. In general, it’s best to have 3-4 crib sheets in circulation if not more.

Read on to find out what factors to consider when deciding how many crib sheets to buy.

How Many Crib Sheets – Factors To Consider

Ultimately, the decision of how many crib sheets to purchase is up to your discretion. However, there are a few factors worth considering before you make that call.

1. How Often You Do Laundry Per Week

Doing laundry once or twice a week means that you’ll likely need to have a few extra sheets on hand in case of accidents.

If your child has an accident every night and you only do laundry once a week, you’ll need at least 6-7 crib sheets, but 4-5 crib sheets will be necessary if you do laundry twice a week. 

Frequent laundry doers lend themselves more flexibility in how many sheets they need in rotation. If you’re a daily or twice-daily washer, you can probably get away with having 2-3 crib sheets on hand.

2. Will Baby Nap Wearing Daytime Clothes?

On any given day, your baby will be covered in formula or breastmilk, spit-up, slobber, boogers, and a variety of other unpleasantries.

Thinking about whether you’ll be changing your baby from these well-worn daytime clothes as they nap is important. 

Your baby’s sheets will get dirtier based on what they wear when sleeping on them. If they’re covered in dirt, sweat, and spit-up, then their sheets are absorbing those substances as well.

This means they’ll need changing more often than if the baby were changed into fresh clothes at each sleep period.

3. Babies Can Spit Up Frequently

If you’re blessed with a child who never spits up, then congratulations, you’ve birthed a unicorn.

For a majority of parents, babies spitting up after nighttime feedings is a major headache. Frequent spit-ups not only drench clothes but also sheets and mattresses.

4. Diaper Blowouts

Most parents will eventually experience a diaper blowout (probably more than once). It’s hard to imagine just how the contents of the diaper escape in such a spectacular fashion, but, trust me, it happens.

Veteran parents know that overnight diaper blowouts are detrimental to crib sheets. Oftentimes they leave unsightly stains. If you’re going for aesthetics in the nursery, you’ll likely want to have more than just one backup sheet.

5. Diaper Leaks

Waking up when your child has slept a full night is wonderful until it comes time to change the first diaper of the morning.

Unlike blowouts, diaper leaks won’t ruin your sheets, but they will wreak havoc on your laundry.

Urine smells no matter how little it is, and unfortunately, diaper leaks are a very common issue, especially with lower-quality diaper brands.

For this reason, having at least 2-3 sheets is a great idea.

6. Some Babies Sweat While Sleeping

Not all babies are guilty of night sweats, but the ones who do wake up soaked every morning.

If your baby sweats when they sleep, then you’ll either need better temperature control in their sleep space or you’ll need a sheet for each night of the week.

A cute baby happily lying in his crib and playing with his foot.

What To Look For in Crib Sheets

The biggest factor to consider when buying crib sheets is the fit. Crib sheets should fit tightly to your child’s mattress.

Keep in mind that you’ll need a bassinet sheet as opposed to a crib sheet if you have a bassinet.

They also have specific sheets designed for Pack ‘N Plays if that’s where your child is sleeping.

When it comes to material, muslin and bamboo offer cool sleeping in the hot months. Cotton and fleece are great at keeping children warm in the cold months.

How Often To Change Crib Sheets

Regardless of whether your child has dirtied their sheets or not, it’s best to change them every 3 days or so. Sheets attract dirt and bacteria, which can have adverse effects on infant health. 

Crib Mattress Pad

A crib mattress pad is designed for cooling or comfort. When it comes to a baby’s sleep environment, they should have nothing except a firm mattress and a tight sheet in the crib.

No bumpers, pillows, blankets, or other items should be with them in the crib. Safe sleep practices dictate that crib mattress pads are not necessary or recommended.

Crib Safety

The American Academy of Pediatrics outlines strict recommendations for safe sleep.

  • Child should be placed in the parents’ room on a separate sleep surface.
  • Crib should contain nothing but a firm mattress and tightly fitted sheet. 
  • Children should be placed in the crib lying flat on their backs. 

Related Questions:

How Many Bassinet Sheets Do I Need? 

There are many factors to consider when deciding how many bassinet sheets are necessary. It’s recommended to have at least one backup sheet, but many parents advise having at least 3-4 bassinet sheets. 

How Far Should Crib Be From Wall? 

Though it’s okay to place your crib along the wall, it’s best to leave at least 1 foot of space. This prevents accidents in which the child gets stuck between the crib and the wall.

What Age Are Crib Bumpers Safe? 

There is no age at which crib bumpers are safe. In fact, the Safe Sleep for Babies Act of 2021 signed in May of 2022 prohibits the sale, production, and distribution of crib bumpers.

Does a Crib Need a Boxspring?

Most cribs do not need box springs as they come with adjustable spring bases that support the crib mattress. Montessori-style floor beds also do not need box springs. 


Having just one sheet isn’t functional for even the most rigid laundry schedule. There are so many ways for crib sheets to get dirty that having only one sheet and one backup isn’t logical.

Parents who have been there before recommend having at least 3-4 crib sheets on hand.