21 Simple Tips for How To Help Implantation Naturally

| Reviewed By Amanda Lundberg, BSN, RN

Once an egg has been fertilized, it travels through the fallopian tube and eventually reaches the uterus for the process of implantation. Implantation occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall between 6 to 10 days after conception.

When the egg is not implanted, miscarriage occurs, oftentimes before the expecting mother realizes she’s pregnant. 

While there is not much you can do during the process to improve your chances of implantation, there are ways you can prepare your body to best receive the egg. Here are our 21 tips for how to help implantation naturally.

1. Get Plenty of Rest

Getting the proper amount of quality sleep is important to overall health. When trying to conceive, it’s vital. Consistently not getting enough sleep reduces the secretion of key reproductive hormones. 

One such hormone called estradiol is responsible for the thickening of the uterine lining in which the egg implants. A weak or thin uterine lining can cause issues with implantation. 

So, getting plenty of rest while trying to conceive may help the implantation process.

2. Eat Lots of Nutrient-Dense Food

Several studies have shown that there is a correlation between nutrition and conception. Intaking the proper amounts of macronutrients is important to overall health, especially when trying to conceive. 

Your body needs a certain amount of calories each day just to function correctly and run your internal system. This is called your Basal Metabolic Rate. If you add in your normal daily activity, you’re given your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. 

Both of these thresholds matter because if you’re not taking in enough macronutrients, important reproductive functions like hormone release are slowed.

3. Boost Fiber & Intake of Leafy Greens

Fiber plays several roles in the body, but when it comes to reproductive health, it’s helpful in the regulation of blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels influence hormone secretion and remove excess estrogen in the body. In addition, it aids in weight loss, which can be beneficial for fertility.

Leafy greens contain high levels of folate. Folate, otherwise known as folic acid, is instrumental in preventing birth defects. 

Genetic defects are the most common cause of failed implantation. Therefore, consuming leafy greens is a great way to improve your chances of implantation.

4. Avoid Junk Food

Regular junk food consumption can result in imbalanced hormone levels, unhealthy weight, thyroid disorders, and other factors that may contribute to failed implantation. 

Studies have shown that women who eat junk food consistently take longer to get pregnant than women who do not.

5. Avoid Deli Meats and Undercooked Meats

Deli meats may carry listeria, which is a bacteria that can be fatal to pregnant women and children. It’s also associated with high rates of miscarriage in early pregnancy. If you believe you may have conceived, it’s best to avoid uncooked deli meats and undercooked meats. 

6. Avoid Unpasteurized Foods

All unpasteurized foods run the risk of carrying bacteria and parasites that can harm the fertilized egg’s ability to implant. For this reason, foodborne infections are linked to miscarriages in early pregnancy. 

Energy and resources that the body is using to fight foreign invaders are not being used to support conception, implantation, and fetal development.

7. Avoid Raw Fish

It should be mentioned that low-mercury fish such as tuna and salmon are beneficial for conception and implantation. They contain a number of necessary fatty acids that improve reproductive function. 

Raw fish, like what you’d find in sushi, is not recommended. All uncooked fish poses a risk of food poisoning or infection. 

8. Limit Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is fuel for many women, but it may be harmful to those trying to conceive. Studies on the subject have seen mixed results. However, the general consensus is that caffeine in moderation is okay, but caffeine in excess may have severe impacts on conception. 

Track how much caffeine you’re consuming in a day, and try not to go over the recommended daily allowance of 200 mg. 

9. Avoid Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages harm the chances of conception and implantation. Consistent consumption of alcohol prior to fertilization may lead to an increased risk of birth defects. 

Additionally, alcohol negatively affects reproductive hormones that help guide the fertilized egg into the uterus and allow it to implant.

10. Avoid Being Around Cigarette Smoke

Cigarette smoke significantly impacts reproductive health. Smoking is a known cause of ectopic pregnancy in which the egg fails to implant in the uterus and it attaches elsewhere. 

In addition, smoking reduces proper hormone regulation. Even if you don’t smoke, being around cigarette smoke is dangerous for implantation.

11. Take Prenatal Vitamins

Prenatal vitamins boost the intake of essential vitamins and minerals that women who are trying to conceive may be lacking in their diet. These vitamins and minerals are essential to the reproductive system. 

For example, iron, zinc, and folic acid all play a role in maintaining uterine health, which is incredibly important for implantation. Most prenatals contain the daily recommended dosages of these essential vitamins.

12. Boost Omega 3 and Vitamin D Intake

Omega 3s are a superhero in the fertility world. They increase blood flow to the uterus, regulate hormones, and reduce inflammation. This combination of benefits improves the chances that the fertilized egg will implant properly. 

Although the benefits of vitamin D in relation to fertility are mixed, there have been studies that indicated higher pregnancy and implantation rates for those taking a vitamin D supplement. 

Since omega 3s and vitamin D are both necessary for improving overall health, there’s no harm in increasing your intake within normal limits to try to improve implantation success.

13. Avoid Supplements Not Cleared With Your Doctor

Most supplements aren’t regulated by the FDA, which means that they do not have to meet independent safety or health standards. While not every supplement will be dishonest about their process and ingredients, some will. 

In addition, the processes of conception and implantation are sensitive. What you put into your body, whether you’re not supposed to have it at all or are only supposed to have it in limited quantities, will affect reproduction. 

So, it’s best to steer clear of any supplement unless recommended by your doctor.

14. Avoid Anti-Inflammatories

Studies have shown that taking anti-inflammatories in early pregnancy and prior to conception increases the risk of miscarriage by almost 80%

The more often these anti-inflammatories were used, the higher this risk became. Failure to implant makes up around 22% of these miscarriages. 

15. Enjoy Light Exercise

It’s important to remember that consistent exercise is beneficial for conception and implantation.

Since light exercise aids in overall health, it’s likely to improve several key functions of reproduction. This can aid in building a strong uterine lining and developing a healthy egg to latch to it.

16. Avoid Strenuous Exercise

There isn’t significant evidence that suggests strenuous exercise reduces the chances of implantation. However, women trying to conceive may want to err on the side of caution by avoiding strenuous exercise in the abdominal region.

17. Avoid Very Hot Saunas or Hot Tubs

If you believe you’ve already conceived, then it may be best to avoid hot tubs and saunas. Increased internal body temperatures during early pregnancy can cause birth defects. These genetic defects may prevent implantation. 

18. Minimize Stress

Stress plays a much larger role in reproductive health than once believed. 

Not only does stress directly impact the hypothalamus, the control center of the body that regulates the secretion activity of the pituitary gland, but it also creates a pattern of negative habits that contribute to problems with egg development and implantation.

Stress can disrupt sleep quality, appetite, and thought patterns and encourage unhealthy vices. All of these can contribute to reduced chances of a viable pregnancy. 

19. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Taking time to practice relaxation techniques can alleviate stress. Finding something that gives you space to process the difficult emotions that come with trying to conceive is beneficial. 

Some examples of relaxation techniques you can implement are controlled breaths, journaling, meditation, and yoga. 

20. Focus on Positive Thoughts

Trying to conceive can be a challenging time for parents. To prevent stress and anxiety from making the journey more difficult, it’s best to keep a positive mindset. 

While it’s easier said than done in most cases, take a couple of deep breaths, and remember that it’s best for your soon-to-be baby.

21. Consider Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine that has been associated with a plethora of health benefits. Some of these benefits include increased blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, hormone regulation, and stress reduction. All of these results are beneficial to implantation. 


Many of the recommendations on this list are beneficial for overall health. This means that although they’re not all directly affecting the process, they play a large role in the homeostasis of the reproductive system as a whole. In turn, following any of these tips can likely help implantation.

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