12 Things That Make Twins Special (From a Twin’s Perspective)

Twins elicit fascination wherever they travel, and they possess unique qualities for various reasons. The connection between twins is irreplaceable, and they partake in experiences that are uncommon for most individuals.

1. Twins Sometimes Develop Their Own Language

Twins don’t always use standard language to chat. About 40 percent of twins will create their own language so they can communicate with each other. This is called an autonomous language.

This twin talk often disappears with time, but it is a source of joy and connection for twins while it lasts. It’s also fascinating for those around the twins to watch.

Though outsiders will likely not understand anything being spoken in twin talk, the twins will understand each other and will react according to what is being said.

2. Twins Form a Bond Before Birth

When you’re wombmates, your bond starts extremely early. Even before they are born, twins form a bond with each other. Research shows that twins are interacting with each other as early as 14 weeks in the womb.

These interactions are considered social and show that twins enjoy communicating with each other this way. They are aware of each other’s presence at the beginning of the second trimester, and they continue to interact throughout the pregnancy.

3. Only 3% of Births Are Twins

Only 3 out of every 100 births are multiples, most of which are twin births. This makes twins extremely rare.

Certain factors increase the chances of a person having twins. These include being an older mom, already having been pregnant, or getting fertility treatments.

Heredity can also increase your chances of having fraternal twins, but it doesn’t affect your chances when it comes to identical twins.

Even height, weight, and race can impact your chances of having multiples.

4. Identical Twins Share the Same DNA

Since identical twins come from the same fertilized egg that splits, they share the same DNA. However, gene mutations mean that by birth, the DNA is no longer 100 percent identical. 

Studies have found that some of these gene mutations don’t make much of a difference, but some can have profound effects on one twin’s chance of having certain diseases versus the other.

These mutations can also make identical twins have different features, though that is rare.

5. Twins Have a Built-In Best Friend

Twins will fight like any other siblings, but they also have the opportunity to have a built-in best friend whom they have known since conception.

The social safety of this relationship may be why twins live longer, and it can definitely impact them for life.

Being a twin is such a unique experience that twins need to have each other so they have someone who understands.

These commonalities and how twins intimately know each other create the foundation for a wonderful friendship.

6. Twins Are Vital to Scientific Studies

When science needs to study whether something is determined by environment or genetics, twins are the perfect test subjects.

Since identical twins share almost the exact same DNA, it’s possible to study them and determine what conditions are likely hereditary and what conditions are impacted by other factors. 

This information helps researchers offer data that can improve knowledge for the general public.

Young twin boys in overalls sitting on a rock by a stream.

7. Identical Twins Can Be Mirror Images of One Another

About 25 percent of all identical twins fall into a category called mirror image twins. These twins are identical, but they have reverse asymmetric features.

Basically, if facing each other, it looks like they are looking in a mirror. One may have a freckle on their right cheek, and the other will have it on the left. 

These differences may affect many features the twins have or just a few. 

8. Twins Raised Apart Still Develop Similar Traits

When it comes to identical twins, genes make a difference. Studies show that identical twins who were raised apart grew to be very similar despite not meeting until they were adults.

Since their environments were different while they grew, genes are credited for these similarities.

Even with gene mutations that mean not all identical twins share 100 percent of the same DNA, they share enough to cause some amazing commonalities in life.

Some twins had the same jobs, spouses with the same names, or drove the same types of cars.

9. Twins and Mothers of Twins Tend To Live Longer

Science has done the homework and found that twins live longer than singletons. Identical twins live longer than fraternal twins, but fraternal twins still live longer than those without a twin.

The reason is attributed to the bond twins have that offers social interactions that boost health and longevity. This bond offers built-in protection from birth.

Moms of twins also live longer than moms of singletons, but the reason is a bit more complex. Having twins does not exactly cause a woman to live longer.

The fact that she became pregnant with and carried twins to term means she might have been healthier in the first place. Science points to evolutionary causes making her predisposed to such a major experience like having twins.

10. Twins Can Easily Pull Off Pranks

Though fraternal twins who are not the same gender might have a hard time, twins who are the same gender can pull off pranks.

Identical twins often have an easier time of this since they resemble each other so much, but some fraternal twins can also pass for their sibling and keep people guessing.

11. Twins Draw Attention Wherever They Go

No matter where you go, people will comment on the fact that you have twins. They will either want to ask you questions about your twins or they will want to tell you about the twins they’ve known in their lives.

Though this might happen less as twins get older, it’s still a common occurrence even when twins are in adulthood.

The attention can be tiring for both twins and their parents, and it’s absolutely okay to decline to engage. Twins and their parents need to set boundaries that are comfortable for them.

12. Twins Share a Unique Bond

The twin bond is not something researchers fully understand, but they are uncovering more each day. Twins can give plenty of insight on the twin bond and how it affects their lives.

From having a built-in bestie to feeling like there is always someone there to validate their feelings, the twin bond is often protection from loneliness.

Twins don’t want people to look at them and see only one person because they are truly individuals. However, the twin bond that unites them is undeniable.

Closing Thoughts

Twins are precious and unique, and we will continue to gain deeper insights about them regularly. They are truly fascinating to study and to know.