When I need time to contemplate and organize my thoughts, I find solace in meditating on inspirational quotes from mothers of twins that resonate with me.
- “We made a wish and two came true.“
- “God gives us only what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I’m a badass.“
- “Two to kiss and two to hug and best of all two to love.“
- “To the world, you are our mother. But to us, you are our entire world.“
- “Blessed with heaven’s gift of two, I will forever love the both of you.“
- “My heart is overflowing even when my patience wears thin, and I thank my lucky stars each day that I have my precious twins.“
My twins bring me more joy and fulfillment than I ever thought possible.
Sure, some days are hard, but the happy, easy days and the priceless memories more than make up for the difficult times.
Don’t feel like you’re wasting time here. Quotes are powerful. According to LiteratureLust:
“Motivational quotes affect our brain, our behavior, and our lives because they make us feel like we are in control of our own success, and that we have self-efficacy.
Motivation means to WANT to achieve. Self-efficacy is the CAPACITY to achieve.”
My wish is that you’ll find the same heart-warming inspiration from the quotes below that I do.
Quotes for Mom of Twins
1. “When you gaze upon the lovely sight”
“When you gaze upon the lovely sight.
Of twins, arm in arm, asleep at night.
Think not that the house has been doubly messed.
But that you, as parents, have been doubly blessed.”
– Jon Bratton
2. “I make people 2 at a time”
“I make people 2 at a time. What’s your super power?”
– Anonymous
3. “One will laugh, the other will cry”
“One will laugh, the other will cry.
One will be wet, the other will be dry.
While one will yell, the other will sleep.
But these memories will be your most precious keep.”
– Anonymous
4. “Two cute little faces with matching grins”
“Two cute little faces with matching grins.
Nothing could be sweeter than twins!”
– Anonymous
5. “If you think my hands are full”
“If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.”
– Anonymous
6. “Twice the joy, twice the love”
“Twice the joy, twice the love.
Twice the blessings from above.”
– Anonymous
7. “In this life we will never truly be apart”
“In this life we will never truly be apart,
For we grew to the same beat of our mother’s heart.”
– Daphne Fandrich
8. “We made a wish”
“We made a wish and two came true.”
– Anonymous
9. “God touched our hearts”
“God touched our hearts so deep inside, our special blessing multiplied.”
– Anonymous
10. “Sometimes”
“Sometimes miracles come in pairs.”
– Richard Branson
11. “Life is two-riffic”
“Life is two-riffic with twins.”
– Author Unknown
12. “Hearts entwined”
“Hearts entwined
Twenty fingers, twenty toes,
Two sweet babies with cheeks of rose.
Born on the same day, two gifts from above,
lives entwined, two babies to love.”
– Anonymous
13. “I may be a twin”
“I may be a twin, but I am one of a kind.”
– Jerry Smith
14. “What’s cuter than one baby?”
“What’s cuter than one baby?
A precious set of twins!
With matching little outfits –
And matchless little grins…
With twice as many babies,
How very busy you will be –
Just think of all the loving.”
– Anonymous
15. “Future wish”
“Today was hard.
But 20 years from now,
I’ll look back at the memories of raising my twins,
And wish I could relive every moment again.”
– Anonymous
16. “Two faces to wash”
“Two faces to wash, and four dirty hands
Two insistent voices, making demands
Twice as much crying, when things go wrong
The four eyes closing, with slumber song
Twice as many garments, blowing on the line
Two cherubs in the wagon, soaking up sunshine
Work I do for twins, naturally comes double
But four arms to hug me, repay all my trouble.”
– Anonymous
17. “A joy that is shared”
“A joy that is shared is a joy made double.”
– Anonymous
18. “So many good things come in pairs”
“So many good things come in pairs, like ears, socks and panda bears.
But, best of all are the set of twins, with extra laughter, double grins.”
– Anonymous
19. “Two to kiss”
“Two to kiss and two to hug and best of all two to love.”
– Anonymous
20. “Two unique souls”
“Twins: two unique souls united by birth.”
– Anonymous
21. “Twice the blessing”
“Twice the blessing, twice the fun. Two miracles instead of one!”
– Anonymous
22. “God gives us only what we can handle”
“God gives us only what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I’m a badass.”
– Anonymous
23. “You were born together”
“You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore but let there be spaces in your togetherness.
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.”
– Kahlil Gibran
24. “Twins have a special bond”
“Twins have a special bond. They feel safer with each other than with their peers.”
– Jeanne Phillips
25. “Twins”
Will make love stronger,
Days shorter, nights longer,
Bank accounts smaller,
Home happier, clothes shabbier,
The past is forgotten,
And the future worth living for.”
– Anonymous
26. “We asked God for a flower”
“We asked God for a flower,
He gave us a bouquet.
We asked God for a minute,
He gave us a day.
We asked God for true love,
He gave us that too.
We asked God for an angel,
He gave us two.”
– Anonymous
27. “I’m your twin”
“I’m your twin, you’re my twin.
We stick together through thick and thin.
No matter what I do, I’m always stuck with you.
And if trouble comes our way,
I know my twin will save the day.
Wherever you may be, you’re always stuck with me.
When you’re feeling sad and blue,
Call my name and I’ll find you.
We have a bond that’s tried and true.
You and me,
Me and you.”
– Anonymous
28. “To the world”
“To the world, you are our mother.
But to us, you are our entire world.”
– Anonymous
29. “I work out”
“I work out. Just kidding. I chase twins.”
– Anonymous
30. “Make it a double”
“Make it a double. #twinmom”
– Anonymous
31. “Let them sleep”
“Let them sleep, for when they wake, they shall move mountains.”
– Anonymous (based on a quote by Napoleon Bonaparte)
32. “If people knew all the hardships”
“If people knew all the hardships I endured to even have my multiples, they would stop saying things like ‘Better you than me’ and start saying things like ‘You are the luckiest person ever.’ Because I truly am!”
– Anonymous
33. “Some days seem endless”
“Some days seem endless!
My patience grows thin.
Why was I chosen
To be a mom of twins?
The answer comes
At the end of the day!
As I tuck them in bed,
To myself I say.
There are two to kiss,
And two to hug.
But best of all,
There are two to love.”
– Cheryl Weaver
34. “There are two things”
“There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared: twins.”
– Josh Billings
35. “Just because two people look the same”
“Just because two people look the same, doesn’t mean they have the same dreams.”
– Brandy Scraps
36. “Being a twin”
“Being a twin is like being born with a best friend.”
– Tricia Marrapodi
37. “Twin hearts”
“Awed to be expecting twins,
A mother’s journey now begins.
Blessed with heaven’s gift of two,
I fell in love with both of you.
As days passed and months moved on,
I prayed for two, born safe and strong.
Thrilled by the promise of the joys-to-be,
Like two voices joined in ABC’s.
Shared sweet kisses on cheeks and lips,
Two toddlers riding atop two hips.
I promise to see you each as one,
Two connected, yet free lives begun.
Both loved completely, for all they are,
Following their own bright start.
I promise to encourage your treasured bond,
From babies to children and beyond.
Partners, soul mates, and best friends,
The love of each you will depend.
At last I stroked each tiny face,
I felt my heart was touched by grace.
My hands now full – as most will say,
My life never richer than today.
Awed to hold my little ones,
Our lives together have begun.
Blessed with heaven’s gift of two,
I will forever love the both of you.”
– Teri Harrison
38. “Twenty fingers”
“Twenty fingers, twenty toes
Plenty of work Heaven knows,
Four little arms to hold so tight,
Four little cheeks to kiss goodnight.”
– Anonymous
39. “Heaven sent”
“A meeting convened one day
In Heaven’s sacred hall.
The Ideal mother must be found
For twins so sweet and small.
She must be patient, first of all,
And kind and calm and wise.
And capable of chasing tears away from little eyes.
She’d have to put her children first
And be so very smart
Have dedication and resolve,
A sweet and loving heart.
They all agreed you were the best
No other mom would do.
Yes, Heaven found the perfect one
And sent those twins to you!”
– Anonymous
40. Twingenuity (twin * ge * nu * i * ty) (n.)
“The inventive skill of combining the efforts of young twins in pursuit of a common goal (i.e. room destruction, sleep evasion, identity confusion, etc.)”
– Anonymous
41. “Double trouble”
“‘Double trouble’ they say with glee,
‘Oh what a nightmare, rather you than me!’
With a deep breath I smile (through fitted teeth) and listen oh so politely, to how so-and-so’s cousin’s wife had twins, and how they do so pity me!
My twins may not be angels, my life may sometimes be hard,
But really it’s me who should pity you, for being so hard of heart.
For how can you look at those rosy cheeks, those eyes with cheeky gleam,
And see therein a nightmare, and now a wondrous dream.
For if one child is a miracle; a blessing, a gift, a joy,
Then surely two’s doubly blessed, yes – even if they’re both boys!
I really am so lucky, precious firsts – I see them twice,
And triplet parents are luckier – they get to see them thrice!
Yes, my hands are well and truly full, but with cuddly balls of fun,
Who will always have a friend with whom to laugh and skip and run.
My heart is overflowing even when my patience wears thin,
And I thank my lucky stars each day that I have my precious twins.”
– Anonymous
Mom of three (including identical twin boys), wife, and owner of Parents Wonder. This is my place to share my journey as a mother and the helpful insights I learn along the way.