Fingerprints and Twins – Separating Fact From Fiction

While twins may have many similarities, even identical twins differ in certain aspects. If you know what to look for and can have them fingerprinted, you can identify and distinguish between twins from the very start.

Do twins have different fingerprints? Twins do have different fingerprints. Though the fingerprints of identical twins may be extremely similar, they will not be exactly the same due to how fingerprints are formed. Each finger on your hand can technically have a different print, so your fingerprints aren’t even identical to each other.

When it comes to twins, it’s not always easy to know what will be the same and what will be different. Looking at the inner workings of how fingerprints are created offers a better explanation.

Twins and Fingerprints: What To Know

What kind of twins you have will determine how similar your kids’ fingerprints are. Fraternal twins share the same amount of DNA as non-twin siblings whereas identical twins have the same DNA. 

Identical Twins’ Fingerprints

Identical twins do not have identical fingerprints, though their prints may be extremely similar.

Since fingerprints aren’t only a product of genetics but also of the environment, each twins’ positioning in the womb will affect the way their fingerprints appear. 

One twin may be more active or grow at a different rate than the other, and this will help determine how the fingerprints develop.

No matter how identical twins are, they will always have different fingerprints.

Fraternal Twins’ Fingerprints

Fraternal twins only share 50 percent of their DNA. They will have their own fingerprints due to both genetic differences and their positions in the womb.

They may have fingerprints that fall into the same identification category, but even that’s not guaranteed.

Understanding Fingerprints

Fingerprints are fascinating whether you are looking at twin fingerprints or trying to understand why fingerprints form. Theories on why we developed them abound, with two explanations making the most sense overall.

Why Do We Have Fingerprints?

The main reason humans likely developed fingerprints is that we need to grip things.

Fingerprints allow us to do this by creating some friction between our fingers and the objects we grab. They make our lives easier even if we don’t often think about how they do this.

Fingerprints may also help us process our sense of touch better. Since touch is one of our five senses, our fingerprints help us use it to the fullest advantage for our survival and pleasure.

Without fingerprints, our sense of touch wouldn’t be as sensitive.

When Do Fingerprints Form?

Fingerprints start forming toward the end of the first trimester. By the time you are around 17 weeks pregnant, your child’s fingerprints will be fully formed and uniquely their own.

Even your identical twins will have something unique about them this early in the pregnancy.

Why Fingerprints Are Unique

Multiple fingerprints on purple glass.

Fingerprints are unique because they are a combination of genetics and environment.

While identical twins may have the same DNA and live in the same womb, their environmental interactions will not be identical.

Contact with amniotic fluid will impact fingerprint development, and that will be different for each twin. Even growth in the womb can make one twin’s fingerprints different from the other.

Basic Types of Fingerprints

The arch, the loop, and the whorl are the basic types of fingerprints. While each person has a unique fingerprint, they all start with one of these basic patterns.

Once the pattern is identified, experts can look at the differences to determine whom a fingerprint belongs to if the need arises.

Do Fingerprints Change?

Fingerprints don’t change enough for them to be unrecognizable in most cases, but there are things that can alter them. Burns, certain diseases, and certain cancer drugs can alter the way your fingerprints appear. 

Even jobs that are hard on your fingers or require you to use caustic chemicals can temporarily alter your fingerprints. However, when your skin recovers, your fingerprints will be the same. They won’t regenerate in a new pattern.

Are Fingerprints the Same on Each Finger?

No, fingerprints are not the same on each finger of your hand. Your fingers are separate from each other and can be impacted by the environment in the womb in different ways.

Are Fingerprints the Same on Both Hands?

No, each one of your fingerprints on each finger is unique. Even the thumbprint on your right hand won’t match the thumbprint on your left hand.

What Are Fingerprints Used For?

Fingerprints are mainly used for solving crimes or identifying someone. Since they are unique to each individual on the planet, a fingerprint serves as a definitive identifier.

Are Toe Prints Unique?

Yes, your toe prints are as unique as your fingerprints. If you have identical twins, their toe prints will not be identical. Toe prints aren’t as practical to take as fingerprints, but they are just as useful when it comes to identifying someone.

How To Take Infant Fingerprints

Want to make sure you can always tell your identical twins apart? Fingerprint them! You can fingerprint infants by following these steps:

  1. Clean your child’s hands.
  2. Using baby-safe ink, press your infant’s finger into the ink.
  3. Roll your child’s finger from side to side on a sheet of white paper. Press lightly enough not to smudge the print but firm enough to pick up distinctions in the print.
  4. Wash your child’s hands.
  5. Let the prints dry without touching them to avoid any smudges.

Related Questions: 

Do Identical Twins Have Similar Fingerprints?

Identical twins usually have similar fingerprints. They will often have the same type of fingerprints, but there will be enough differences for a professional to tell them apart.

Your identical twins’ fingerprints will almost certainly be in the same category used to classify prints, and there are only three.

Do Siblings Have Similar Fingerprints?

Siblings are more likely to fall into the same category of fingerprints than strangers. There are only three major categories, and genetics play enough of a role that non-twin siblings may have the category in common.